8 Helpful Tips for Raising a Teenager

8 Helpful Tips for Raising a Teenager

May 15, 2022 — Mental Health Care

Raising a child is a tough job for every parent, especially when the child hits puberty and begins their teenage years. Though a few parents would never admit this, the truth is everyone needs some kind of guidance while raising a child, especially a teenager. More so in the case of first-time parents. They are simply learning from their experiences and mistakes. So, a few helpful tips for raising teenagers can assist parents to move through this stage of child development. The following tips come from the best family & couple counsellors in Pune, so you can rest assured they will help.

Establish Trust & Show Positivity
Teenage is a stage of development where a child is highly attached to and influenced by their peer group. They seek to discover their identity by relating to others in their peer group. At this stage, parents need to establish trust with their children, making them feel and believe that they are in a safe environment. Parents also need to show unconditional positivity towards their children and try to be accepting of their experiences.

Be a Humble Role Model
Parents need to be humble role models for optimal growth and wellness of the child. They need to “walk the talk” rather than just “talk the talk” and it has to be done without being arrogant or rude. Teenagers are not inclined to listen to their parents’ diktats during this stage, but anything explained to them humbly and livingly will get through.

Slow Down
It is important to continue to maintain trust and understanding at every stage of child development. Teenage is a confusing stage of an individual’s life with the constantly changing identity, self-concept, and raging hormonal changes. Parents need to slow down and give the child their time and space to deal with and adjust to this new change in their minds and body.

Set Clear Boundaries & Expectations
Establishing clear boundaries and expectations for the child helps in the discipline. Make sure the boundaries and expectations are explained to the child clearly and that the child comprehends them. Active listening, non-judgmental awareness, and effective communication are key to helping set boundaries and expectations.

Be Authentic
As parents, try being as authentic as you can. Share and state everything factually. Do not hide certain aspects of things from children in an attempt to “protect them from the world”, because honest communication leads to growth and learning.

Implement & Teach Values
Concentrate on the key details, such as how you expect your child (and everyone else in the family) to behave with one another and outside the home in society. Whether it’s about relationships or domestic everyday tasks, your belief system and set of values will dictate the boundaries you establish for your kid.

Establish Firm Rules to Support Values
Now, for example, to support the value of humanity and kindness, parents can set guidelines such as approaching others with respect, learning to appreciate everyone, and showing love and, compassion, towards family and peers.

Hold them Accountable
Children need to be taught that all actions have consequences, positive or negative. Holding children accountable for their actions teaches a sense of responsibility. If not done so, the child can become complacent and develop a ‘taken for granted’ attitude.

Parenting is not easy but these tips from the top mental health centre in Pune can help. Remember, you and your teenager are both on a journey where your relationship will evolve so be supportive of each other.