Depression v/s Sadness
Feb 28, 2022 — Mental Health Care
“People think depression is sadness. People think depression is crying. People are wrong. Depression is the constant feeling of being numb.”
– Mitch Clark
Sadness is often confused with depression. Many people still have the notion that both depression and sadness are two sides of the same coin. Thinking in this way is absolutely natural but it’s wrong. Sadness and depression are totally different states of emotions which have to be dealt with differently. The first and the foremost difference between these is the seriousness of both states. Depression is way more complicated than sadness. In addition, sadness can be temporary and one can get relieved quickly from it. On the other hand, depression can be long-lasting and a person may require time to recover from depression. These two differences are the prominent ones. Want to know more about the differences? Read on.
Before delving deeper into the differences, let’s understand the concepts of depression as well as sadness. Depression affects several areas of life and a person experiencing it can show a blend of symptoms for the most of the day at least for 2 weeks. It causes general distress and can have long-lasting effects. On the other hand, sadness is something that might last only for a few hours. It passes away by itself over time.
Depression is Illness. Sadness is Emotion.
Depression is an illness that exhibits various symptoms such as fatigue, constant feeling of hopelessness, etc. In this state, a person may experience only fleeting moments of happiness and feels lost. Whereas, sadness is just a basic emotion and is a part of what makes us human. We all feel sad when we face rejections, go through a breakup or disappointment. But if the low mood persists for prolonged periods of time, we might be facing the possibility of depression.
Depression is Abnormal. Sadness is Specific.
Sadness is a reaction to a specific circumstance or situation. Nonetheless, it is an unpleasant reaction but it does not majorly affect any other area of life. On the flip side, depression is feeling unpleasant in every situation, be it happy or sad. You might get negative thoughts and feelings about every aspect of life while going through depression. Concentration levels decrease and one feels guilty without any reason for miniscule reasons.
Loss of a loved one can generate severe grief, which goes beyond sadness. It is difficult to differentiate grief from depression because it also shows symptoms such as appetite loss and sleeping problems. However, grieving individuals often accept support or help while people with depression tend to isolate themselves and refuse to accept help. In addition, people with depression may experience decline in self-esteem while grieving or sad individuals generally don’t have any major fluctuations in their self-esteem.
Depression, if diagnosed at an early stage, can be cured in a relatively short period of time. Remember one thing; depression is not an issue to be ashamed of. If one opens up early about depression, it can help in treating the symptoms at a rapid rate. If you are feeling that what you are experiencing is depression, not sadness, it’s better to consult a psychologist. Tending Minds, one of the best psychological centers in Pune, is here to help you to examine your symptoms of depression! It has the best psychologists who can guide you to diagnose and take proper steps to cure depression.