How to Recover from a Breakup
Jun 24, 2022 — Mental Health Care
We all go through breakups and we all have different ways of dealing with them. This is all part of life and contributes to our growth as humans, but the truth is that recovering from a breakup can be hard. After all, you head into a relationship thinking you are going to spend your life with this person, and all of a sudden, it’s over. So, if you are having a hard time recovering from a breakup, don’t worry, Tending Minds’ top family & couple counsellors in Pune have some strong advice for you that can help.
Why do breakups occur and what happens?
Sometimes, relationships reach the end of their course.
Sadly, there are times when one partner betrays the trust of another and in such cases, recovering is hard.
Some breakups come out of the blue, and you are left to figure out what you did wrong to warrant a breakup.
So, what do you do to recover and overcome this?
Situational Analysis – Walk through every event that led to the breakup. This is important because one of the over-simplifications that people make, especially the ones with self-esteem issues, is that if something bad happened to me it is probably because I must have done something to deserve it. Of course, there are things about your behaviour that you could change for better future relationships. But the situational analysis will help you realise that whatever happened, wasn’t your fault or was just partly your fault. It helps you gain insight.
Indulge in Positive Activities – Do things that make you happy. It could either be playing a game, hitting the gym, watching a movie with friends, listening to music, or anything else. Seek happiness in the little things in life rather than concentrating your energy on the negative.
Keep Yourself Busy – Keeping yourself busy keeps the mind active and running at all times. As they say, “empty minds are the devil’s workshop”, and if you don’t indulge yourself in something productive, your mind is going to drift off towards negatives and pessimistic thoughts. If there is absolutely nothing to do, take up a new hobby, discover previously lost ones, and work on them. These again are little pockets of happiness and escape for an individual.
Break Association – This is one of the most difficult tasks to do but once successfully achieved, it is the most helpful thing you can do for yourself. In this context, avoid going to places and do things that remind you of your partner. Avoidance only works for a short period though. After a point, you need to learn to associate those things with other stimuli.
There are multiple ways of recovering from a breakup and given pointers can truly make a difference. Remember, everyone deals with it in their own way and if the intensity of the breakup is leading you into depression, seek help from Tending Minds. We have experts for such cases and provide the best psychological services in Pune. Get in touch today for a consultation.