Tips to Tame your Temper
Jan 05, 2022 — Mental Health Care
A silent pandemic is ushering in everyone’s lives since time immemorial. We have not been able to successfully tackle it all these years. Confused? It’s the anger pandemic! Anger is a normal condition and is a natural emotion. Anger, if not managed properly, can steer out of control and can take a toll on your relations and health. If you really want to stop letting anger gain control over you, some simple tips and tricks can assist you phenomenally. Following it religiously is the only prerequisite for successful implementation. I’m sharing some simple but beneficial anger management tips for you. If implemented correctly, they can work wonders for you. So, are you ready to stop letting anger control you? Read on.
Identify Triggers
The first and the foremost thing you can do is observe. If you are into a habit of losing temper at certain triggers like excessive fatigue, provoking comments, or long traffic jams, consider identifying them and try to respond in a different way when such situations arise. You may structure your day differently to avoid serpentine traffic jams. Furthermore, you have to accept that external circumstances are not responsible for your unhappiness. You are responsible. You believe it or not, it’s the bitter truth. The earlier you accept this fact, the better it is for your well-being.
Channelize Anger in a Positive Manner
Many negative aspects are associated with anger but do you know one positive aspect? It gives you an energy rush. The ideal way to channelize this energy is to go for a brisk walk or workout in a gym. In this way, anger is utilized in a positive way. Furthermore, regular exercise is essential for enhancing frustration tolerance. It also clears your perspective.
Write it Out
Instead of expressing your anger on someone and causing hurt, why not write it down on a piece of paper? Sometimes, we speak out unnecessary words, which strain relationships. To avoid such moments, get away from the scenario, grab a notebook and write everything that you can feel in the moment. After a while, you will eventually feel better as you have expressed your feelings without hurting anyone’s sentiments.
Everyone has their own problems. Let’s accept the fact: life is unfair. Sometimes, life throws surprises at us and we cannot do anything about it. We lose our calm and vent out frustration in the form of anger. It is natural but it is harmful for you. Instead, when some unfair situation arises in your life, take a long breath, face the situation and address it in a calm mindset. This can work wonders and can throw anger out of the window!
Anger is a common emotion that every human being experiences frequently. However, you need to find ideal ways to manage and steer your anger to channelize it in a better manner. If you are still confused, you can always come to Tending Minds, one of the best psychological clinics in Pune, to know more about anger management.