Top Hacks to Tackle Forgetfulness and Remember Things
Oct 28, 2021 — Mental Health Care
Forgetfulness is one of the common aspects that many people face. It is one of the prevalent problems among many people around the world. Enhancing your memory, in my view is like changing or forming any other behavior, but it does take time and effort.
In our busy lives, we do multiple things at a stretch and are loaded with many tasks at hand. This contributes to us forgetting many things. Multitasking can be overwhelming, let’s accept this! But to err is human, right? Although it is not an easy task to stop forgetting things or tasks, you can certainly reduce the intensity. I can provide you a detailed analysis on specific patterns of forgetfulness and provide you the tips accordingly. You can visit Tending Minds, one of the best psychological clinics in Pune for the same!
In this article, I will share a few tips and techniques that can prove to be a boon for remembering things. If you experiment with the following techniques and strategies, remembering certain things will feel more automatic and natural. Here are some important hacks to start remembering more and forgetting less.
Repetition is the Key
Before I start enlightening you with the techniques, I want you to remember that repetition is the most important factor that can help you in overcoming forgetfulness. If you start following any technique or strategy, make sure that you do it every day without fail. This will feel like it’s a habit rather than a technique.
Jot Down the Tasks of the Day
Writing is an important technique that can work wonders for remembering things. It enables the brain to see and process the information. For instance, if you are memorizing a speech and write it down a few times, you are more likely to recall the lines. So, always practice noting down your schedule.
Embrace Mnemonic Devices
Mnemonic devices can help in boosting your remembering power to a great extent. Small acronym can help you in remembering various tasks. For example, you may have compressed large information chunks into acronyms. Consider ACEG: All Cows Eat Grass. Such mnemonic devices can prove to be beneficial for you.
Limit Distractions
I know it’s a bit difficult for you to consider this but at least, you can make your environment as clutter-free as possible. A workdesk with lots of items can serve as a hindrance to your routine of remembering things. Distractions decrease the brain’s ability to store and encode information. Adopt a clutter-free environment and embrace a great life!
You can train your mind and develop habits that can decrease your intensity of forgetfulness. Even if you forget everything, remember one thing: Small steps lead to massive achievements! Practice these small habits daily and see the difference for yourself. Following these habits can feel tedious at first, but as you practice daily, you can make it a lifestyle. Forgetfulness will be a distant dream for you if you introduce these habits in your life!
Tending Minds has one of the best clinical psychologists in Pune to guide you through the various techniques and methods to overcome the obstacle of forgetfulness! Do pay a visit once!